The steering group
Together with the coordination office, the steering group forms the joint management structure of the modeling network. Its main task is to make decisions about the strategic orientation of the modeling network and to develop corresponding concepts. It is composer of the head of the coordination office and two members of each of the research networks. In addition, representatives of the scientific advisory board, the BMBF and the Projektträger Jülich participate, as well as the scientific coordinators and project managers of the coordination office.
In addition to its central function as a platform for exchanging information about the objectives and the progress of the research of the individual consortia, the steering committee is also the first point of contact for scientific inquiries, for example from politics or the healthcare sector. Such inquiries are forwarded by the coordination office to the steering group. Together, the coordination office and steering group strive to disseminate the research results of the modeling network and are constantly on the lookout for new network partners.
Board of the steering group
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kuhlmann
(©Universitätsmedizin Halle)
Head of the Coordination Office of the Modeling Network for Serious Infectious Diseases
Junior Professor of Health Economics at the Medical Faculty of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Coordination Office
Dr. Berit Lange
(©HZI Verena Meier)
Head of Clinical Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
Prof. Dr. Rafael Mikolajczyk
(©Universitätsmedizin Halle)
Professor of Epidemiology and Biometry at the Medical Faculty of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Director of the Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biometry and Informatics
Members of the steering group
Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann
© Horst Ziegenfusz
Prof. Dr. André Calero Valdez
Prof. Dr. Jan Hasenauer
Dr. Martin Kühn
Prof. Dr. Kai Nagel
Prof. Dr. Tim Conrad
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Kretzschmar
Prof. Dr. André Karch
© Thomas Hauss
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schuppert
Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz
Dr. Jan Ole Berndt
Dr. Neele Leithäuser
© Fraunhofer