2nd National Conference on Modeling Infectious Diseases
March 13 – 15, 2024 in Halle (Saale)
(March 15, 2024: internal sessions of the modeling networks)
National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle (Saale)
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Modeling Network for Major Infectious Diseases (MONID) took place from March 13 to 15, 2024 at the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle (Saale).
The conference once again offered a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with national and international researchers and other experts in the field of mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and related disciplines on the latest findings in these areas.
In addition to exciting lectures by renowned experts from the modeling community, there were short presentations (elevator pitches) and poster presentations by MONID junior scientists as well as networking opportunities to promote the exchange of ideas and collaboration.
We were delighted to welcome you to the 2nd Annual MONID Conference (“2nd National Conference on Infectious Disease Modeling 2024”) in Halle an der Saale and to work together on the global epidemiological challenges.
The conference language was English.
Registration: finished
Participation fee:
A participation fee of €25 is charged for participants from the listed modeling networks.
Participants who are not members of one of the research consortia, invited speakers or members of the scientific advisory board pay a participation fee of €50.
March 13, 2024
09:00 – 09:55
10:00 – 10:45
Moderation: Alexander Kuhlmann & Rafael Mikolajczyk (MONID Board)
Welcome from the
- MONID Board (Highlights)
- Dean of the Medical Faculty Prof. Dr. Heike Kielstein
- Parliamentary State Secretary Mario Brandenburg
- RKI President Prof. Dr. Lars Schaade
10:45 – 11:45
KEYNOTE I – Julia Fitzner (WHO)
“A complex world needs joint efforts to take best decisions”
Moderation: A. Kuhlmann
11:45 – 12:15
Moderation: A. Kuhlmann
12:15 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
Moderation: J. Horn & V. Jäger
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:30
ORALS I “Technical Application”
Moderation: J. Hasenauer
Kai Nagel: “Explicit modeling of antibody levels for infectious disease simulations in the context of SARS-CoV-2” |
Elizabeth Goult: “Estimating the optimal age for infant measles vaccination” |
Beryl Musundi: “Multi-scale Modeling of Infectious Diseases: Linking Within-host and Between-host Dynamics” |
Martin Kühn: “Hybrid epidemiological models for efficient insight on the individual scale: a contribution to green computing” |
Philipp Dönges: “When and why weakly-coupled compartmental models can be used for simultaneously spreading diseases” |
Antonia Bartz: “Guidelines on quality assessment and reporting of mathematical modelling studies for infectious disease dynamics: A scoping review” |
17:30 – 18:45
PANEL I “Contacts and diversity in models”
Moderation: A. Karch
Luca Ferretti:
“Insights into transmission risk and drivers of epidemic dynamics from digital contact tracing”
Veronika Jäger:
“Different ways to collect contact information”
Jan Pablo Burgard:
“Gesyland – A Synthetic Twin Population of Germany”
David Kerkmann:
“Estimating contact patterns for agent-based models”
Beate Jahn: “Measuring Health Inequality – Potential Applications and Challenges”
18:45 – 19:00
Special Lecture:
Stefan Moritz:
“RESTART – Introduction”
Moderation: R. Mikolajczyk
March 14, 2024
09:00 – 10:00
KEYNOTE II – Niel Hens (Hasselt University and University of Antwerp)
“COVID-19 – From first data to models and back”
Moderation: A. Kuhlmann
10:00 – 11:00
ORALS II “Agent-based Models”
Moderation: N. Leithäuser
David Kerkmann: “Implementation of a highly detailed agent-based model to explore the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions and testing strategies in Brunswick during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic” |
Johannes Horn: “Modeling the impact of mass gathering events (MGE) on potential future pandemics” |
Johannes Ponge: “How to Make Large-Scale Individual-Based Infectious Disease Models Fast” |
Franciszek Rakowski: “Post-hoc Analysis of Covid-19 Mortality in Poland: Insights from the ICM Epidemiological Model” |
Tyll Krüger: “Factoring out the contribution of households to COVID-19 prevalence across European countries” |
Beate Jahn: “Evaluation of Vaccination Strategies Considering a Vaccine Adapted to a New Variant of Concern – A Decision-Analytic Modeling Study” |
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30
ORALS III “Behavior”
Moderation: A. Calero Valdez
Leonard Stellbrink: “Comparative Modeling of Pandemic Behavior: Static vs. Dynamic Agent-Based Approaches” |
Lilian Kojan: “Modeling intervention compliance behavior: Insights from a cross-sectional survey” |
Veronika Kurchyna: “Generation of Consistent Agent Plans using Strategy Patterns and Axiomatic Logic” |
Sabine Wüst: “Modeling the influence of environmental stressors on the spread of communicable diseases” |
Matthias Horn: “Mathematical modeling of pneumococcal transmission and disease dynamics in the German population” |
12:30 – 13:00
A. Kuhlmann & R. Mikolajczyk & B. Lange
13:00 – 14:15
14:15 – 15.15
ORALS IV “Data acquisition & Fitting”
Moderation: M. Scholz
Jan Mohring: “Estimating the Covid-19 Prevalence from Wastewater” |
Nina Schmid: “Demonstration of an Integrative Modeling Approach of Infectious Diseases” |
Karina Wallrafen-Sam: “Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies in Resource-Constrained Settings: Data from Ethiopia” |
Yuri Kheifetz: “Modeling complete dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 pandemics of Germany and its federal states using multiple levels of data” |
Felix Günther: “Fitting a dynamic transmission model of meningococcal carriage and vaccination to national surveillance data and the vaccine coverage in Germany, 2005-2019” |
Isti Rodiah: “Improving post-pandemic RSV projections in Germany: A comprehensive approach integrating adaptive dynamic modeling and population-based data – RESPINOW Study” |
15:15 – 16:30
PANEL II – “Modeling and model parametrization for respiratory infections”
Moderation: M. Kühn & B. Lange
Intro – B. Lange & M. Kühn: “Ongoing work in four selected research consortia, open problems and approaches”
Sarah Kramer:
“Parameterizing Models of Cocirculating Pathogens: Using models to characterize pathogen-pathogen interactions”
Ullrich Köthe:
“Solving inverse problems with machine learning”
Stefan Flasche:
“Uncertainties in parametrizing vaccination strategies for respiratory infections”
Discussion – B. Lange & M. Kühn:
“Current challenges in parametrization of mathematical-epidemiological models”
16:30 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
Moderation: B. Musundi & M. Harries
17:30 – 19:00
PANEL III – “Adaptive behavior in modelling”
Moderation: B. Lange
Viola Priesemann:
“The role of behavioral reactions to high case numbers”
Michael Maes:
“Protective Behavior, Opinion Polarization, Disease Dynamics.”
Lilian Kojan:
“(How) can we utilize behavioral science for epidemiological modeling”
Kai Nagel:
“Quantitative findings of the effect of mobility on infection spreading, and of disease indicators on mobility”
Mirjam Kretzschmar:
“Impact of adherence and stringency on the effectiveness of lockdown measures”
19:00 – 19:10
A. Kuhlmann & R. Mikolajczyk & B. Lange
March 15, 2024
08:30 – 15:00
OptimAgent + RESPINOW
09:00 – 13:00
09:00 – 12:00
09:00 – 12:00
09:00 – 13:00
infoXpand – 5-day infoXpand workshop in February 2024 in Göttingen
Deadline for abstract submission: closed
Submission Guidelines
Oral Description
- An oral session is a 60-minute session.
- Presentations, including Q & A.
- Organized around a specific theme.
- Presenters from different consortia preferred.
- Submit an abstract with 2500 characters maximum (including spaces).
- If you submit your abstract for “Oral”, you will not be offered a poster as an alternative, if you are not selected for an oral presentation.
- If you submit your abstract for “Oral or Poster”, you have the option of presenting a poster alternatively, if you are not selected for an oral presentation.
Poster Description
- A poster session showcases your research and allows viewers to study your information and discuss it with you one-on-one.
- There will be one poster sessions held on Wednesday (March 13, 2024).
- Successful poster presentations rely heavily on graphical presentation of key findings and large font sizes so that they can be read from a distance. Less content and greater readability is often preferable.
- Submit an abstract with 2500 characters maximum (including spaces).
- Presenters must attend their poster session and young scientists are additionally invited to present in the Elevator pitch.
Elevator Pitch Description
- Only available in combination with a poster.
- Especially young scientists (PhD student and up to 3 years PostDoc time) are invited to give a preview of their poster in a 1-minute talk supported by 1 slide.
- Each presenter must have 1 power point slide prepared and send beforehand to modellierungsnetz@medizin.uni-halle.de until 29/02/2024 the latest.
Guidelines for Submission and Presentation
- Abstracts should be 2500 character maximum (including spaces).
- Co-authors must be entered at the time of submission. In exceptional cases, they can only be added by email to modellierungsnetz@medizin.uni-halle.de after submission.
- Before submission, please check that the first and last names of authors are not transposed and affiliation information is accurate. Review your abstract and check for typographical and spelling errors, and scientific sense.
- In order for your submission to be considered complete, you must click on the “Submit” button. Note: Once an entry has been submitted, you can only make further changes via e-mail contact until the deadline.
- All presenters must register to attend the MONID 2024 conference.
- The MONID 2024 “2ndNational Conference on Infectious Disease Modeling” is scheduled for March 13-14, 2024. By submitting, you agree to present on any of those days.
- If the presenting author cannot attend, presentation by a co-author or colleague familiar with the research is requested. Notify modellierungsnetz@medizin.uni-halle.de with the name of the new presenter.
- After all abstracts have been reviewed, you will receive an e-mail informing you whether you have been selected for your preferred and submitted format, including details of the formalities.
Add This Email to Your Address Book
All communications regarding your abstract including notifications and registration will be done through the email address provided. To ensure you receive all emails, please add the following address to your safe recipients list or address book: modellierungsnetz@medizin.uni-halle.de
All conference activities on March 13 – 15, 2024 (registration, oral and poster sessions, lunch/dinner, coffee breaks, etc.) will take place at the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle (Saale), Germany.
Conference venue:
Address of the 2nd MONID Annual Conference:
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V.
– Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften –
Jägerberg 1
06108 Halle (Saale)
– Map of the Leopoldina in Halle (Saale)
– City map of Halle (Saale)
From Halle (Saale) main station -> Leopoldina:
– take streetcar line 7 (direction Kröllwitz) to the stop “Moritzburgring” (then walk to Leopoldina approx. 1 min)
– Line 2 (direction Kröllwitz) to “Joliot Curie-Platz” (then walk to Leopoldina approx. 10 min)
By foot / bicycle:
– on foot in approx. 25 minutes or by bike in approx. 7 minutes
– by cab in approx. 10 minutes
From Leipzig/Halle Airport:
With the Deutsche Bahn (DB) / S-Bahn
– every half hour directly to Halle (Saale) in 15 minutes with the S5 or S5X
– in 30-40 minutes
Directions by car:
– A 9 Berlin-Munich
– A 14 Dresden-Magdeburg
– A 38 Göttingen-Leipzig (“Südharzautobahn”)
– A 143 Western bypass Halle
Federal highways
– B 6 (from the North Sea coast in a south-easterly direction through the federal states of Lower Saxony, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony to the Polish border)
– B 80 (west-east axis from Hesse through four federal states)
– B 91 (south-north axis from Zeitz via Weißenfels and Merseburg)
– B 100 (from Lutherstadt Wittenberg via Bitterfeld-Wolfen)
– Friedemann-Bach-Platz parking lot
73 parking spaces, subject to charge
1 disabled parking space
Hotels with room contingents
TRYP by Windham Halle
Neustädter Passage 5, 06122 Halle (Saale)
Prices (incl. breakfast and public transportation ticket):
Standard single room € 69.00 per room/night
Standard double room € 88.00 per room/night
Ankerstraße 2a, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Standard single room € 92.00 per room/night (single use)
the niu Ridge
Riebeckplatz 10, 06108 Halle (Saale)
from 12.03.2024 – 13.03.2024
Comfort room 149.00 € per room/night (single use, double use 164.00 EUR per room/night)
from 13.03.2024 – 15.03.2024
Comfort room 129.00 € per room/night (single use, double use 144.00 EUR per room/night)
Dorint Charlottenhof
Dorotheenstraße 12, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Prices (incl. breakfast):
Attention: Accommodation only possible from 13.03.2024!
Comfort room for 1 pers. 130,00 € per room/night, incl. Breakfast
Comfort room for 2 pers. 160,00 € per room/night, incl. Breakfast
Further hotels and accommodation without room contingents
B&B Hotel Halle (Saale)
Hallorenring 9 , 06108 Halle (Saale)
Phone: +49 345 279573 50
E-mail: halle-saale@hotelbb.com
Web: https://www.hotel-bb.com/de/hotel/halle-saale
ibis Styles Halle
Delitzscher Str. 17, 06112 Halle (Saale)
Phone: +49 345 57120
Email: H9033@accor.com
Web: https://all.accor.com/hotel/
Hotel Atlas Halle
Delitzscher Str. 32 A, 06112 Halle (Saale)
Phone: +493456815300
E-mail: info@atlas-halle.com
Web: https://atlas-halle.com/
The congress will be submitted to the Saxony-Anhalt Medical Association for certification as a continuing medical education event.
Carla Hartmann and Sabine Baumgarten (project management)
E-mail: modellierungsnetz@medizin.uni-halle.de
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