
& Veranstaltungshinweise

23.-27. September 2024

3. MONID Summer School

23.-27. September 2024

06. September 2024

Young MONID Webinar

Young scientist talk mit Gastsprecherin Houda Yaqine (Universität Bielefeld)

„Capturing Household-level Dynamics in Stochastic Differential Equation Models of Infectious Disease Transmission“

06. September 2024

19. - 24. August 2024

Madeira Epidemic Modellers Encounter 2024

in Madeira (Portugal)

19. - 24. August 2024

22. - 26. Juli 2024

CLIMADEMIC Summer School 2024

22. - 26. Juli 2024

22. - 26. Juli 2024

9th German Collaborative Summer School of Epidemiology

32. International Summer School of Epidemiology
an der Universität Ulm (in Kooperation mit der UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA & der German Society for Epidemiology, D)

22. - 26. Juli 2024

06. Juni 2024

TBnet Webinar – online

„Modelling the impact of novel diagnostic tools and strategies for tuberculosis detection in high-risk and vulnerable populations“ (online, Login-Infos via: TBnet webinar 6 June 2024)

06. Juni 2024
13. - 15. März 2024
15. - 17. März 2023

26. August - 03. September 2023

2. MONID Summer School „Infodemics – Pandemics“ in Lübeck, organisiert vom MONID-Verbund „infoXpand“

26. August - 03. September 2023

12. - 16. September 2022

1. MONID Summer School in Halle (Saale)

12. - 16. September 2022