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MONID named as a relevant network partner in BMBF call for the One Health approach

In June, the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the funding of trans- and interdisciplinary research networks on the topic of “Pandemic prevention and response as part of a One Health approach” were announced – the application deadline is September 4, 2024.

“We are very pleased that the Modeling Network for Major Infectious Diseases (MONID) is mentioned in the announcement as a relevant partner network for collaborations and are happy to work together,” says Jun.-Prof. Alexander Kuhlmann, MONID board member and head of the network’s coordination office.

The aim of this funding guideline is to “improve preparedness and response to future outbreaks of human infection and thus contribute to effective pandemic prevention and response. To this end, inter- and transdisciplinary health research, building on the One Health approach, will be strengthened and networked with public health and/or veterinary services and environmental administration to jointly address the most pressing research questions,” the announcement states.

MONID would like to continue networking in the field of One Health and is at your disposal as a possible cooperation partner for inquiries! In this regard, please contact our

  • MONID coordination office – contact: or directly to the
  • Executive Board of the MONID Steering Group-Contact:
    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kuhlmann – alexander.kuhlmann(at),
    Dr. Berit Lange – berit.lange(at) and
    Prof. Dr. Rafael Mikolajczyk – rafael.mikolajczyk(at)


What is One Health? “One Health is an integrated, connective approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of humans, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely interconnected and interdependent.

The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at different levels of society to work together to promote well-being and address threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing collective needs for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change and contributing to sustainable development,” according to the definition developed by the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP).

Sources and further information:

– BMBF announcement of 3.5.2024 “Guideline for the funding of trans- and interdisciplinary research networks on the topic of “Pandemic prevention and response within the framework of a One Health approach
– Link to the definition of “One Health” of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel and further information on One Health